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Confession #10

Currently dating this Eurasian girl called E. She is nubbad looking. Quite tall around 1.7m and quite slender. Everything is going well but she has very high on sex drive.

We are both in our 30s and have been dating for half a year now. Every time when we meet outside, she wants to have sex. She would suggest going to Hotel 81 for quickies before heading home. We can’t do it at her place because her dad is quite particular with guys being in her room.

Worst is if she is at my place. She would be always wet, always trying to seduce me and forcing me to have sex with her. Not just once. It is quite a few times and even after finishing, she still wants it! Even when we are not having sex, she would pleasure herself while I am doing other things. She even brings along her dildo/vibrator in her bag just in case she needs it!

I don’t mind having sex. But I think it is a tad too much. How can a girl on such high sex drive wanting sex every min when we are together? I love her but all the endless sex is really tiring.

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