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Confession #5

My boyfriend treats me like a sex tool instead of his girlfriend during sex. Every time after sex, he would dress immediately instead of cuddling, hugging or kissing me. I hate this behaviour of his as it makes me feel like a piece of meat where he uses and discards afterwards. I've talked to him about it many times before, but he doesn't seem to be able to change. What a disappointment.

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Confession #10

Currently dating this Eurasian girl called E. She is nubbad looking. Quite tall around 1.7m and quite slender. Everything is going well but she has very high on sex drive. We are both in our 30s and h

Confession #9

So I have an incident I wanted to share which happened to me last week. Last week, I started chatting with a guy on tinder and the very same day we decided to meet up over at his place. Obviously I wa

Confession #8

I am secretly attracted to my friend’s boyfriend . He always took care of us when we went out and we always hang out together. Recently, we went Bangkok together and stayed at White Palace Hotel Pratu

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